Thursday, February 17, 2011

My mouth and Facebook

I continually find myself in trouble for voicing my opinions and feelings on my facebook status. So today I will post on my blog and give you the option to click on the link or not :)

To be honest, I feel like my world has been rocked by the actions of a few people and there is just no escaping it. As hard as my husband and I try we just cant move forward. We give ourselves a pep talk every now and then and say, "this is it, it's time to put the worry aside and move on." It helps for a few days then it 's back to the old and bad habit.

Over a week ago, an incident happened that just took our breath away. Our family is going through some rough and rocky roads once again and we can hardly believe it. To make things even worse, its happening to two loved ones.

The phone rings and I cringe. That call that every parent dreads is coming one day. We have spent the last eight years dreading the calls. I have lost count of how many times I get a call and the voice on the other end is obviously seeking help. Don't get me wrong, I want to know when help is needed, but what i want most is for help to NEVER be needed. For lives to be functional and prosperous.

On top of my many other health and life issues, this constant problem is putting me over the edge. Some days Greg and I are strong and hopeful but other days we are soaked in despair. We are so blessed to know the Lord and are very faithful people. God has always been good to us. I am not one to say, " This is a learning experience God is taking us through." No. it's not, let me break this down for you. This is immature individuals who have no self control or integrity who's actions cause a reaction and the ripple effect affects many!

It may be offensive to some that I speak out about my feelings. However I feel I have mentioned no names so no harm done. The fact is, what is happening is wrong and you are taking the choice away from us by continuing this lifestyle. I only have one life and I'm tired of living it worrying about these things.

Now to find the solution. Perhaps we could run away to some beautiful island paradise. Or maybe change our phone numbers, or maybe even our names. We couldn't do that because we would miss our babies terribly. I don't want to run away, I want them to fix this, I want them to make better choices and decisions based on fact not what people tell you. Choose the people you spend your time with wisely. Demand to be treated with respect and never allow another person to steal your dignity!

Ok, so I think I know now what I have to do. From this day forward I will never let another person steal my joy. I will speak my mind (carefully) and choose wisely the people I spend time with. I will forgive, but I will not let things slide. I will love and be loved but I will never be a doormat. I will dish out advice when asked but I will never be angered when not accepted. I will give God the glory for all things but will not blame HIM for the trials. Most importantly I will love my family unconditionally no matter how many times the phone rings and gives me heart palpitations.

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